Centre for Food Composition Database | Czech Food Composition Database, Version 9.24

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Terms for using

The terms for using NutriDatabaze.cz and consent to the processing of personal data

  1. Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information, (Hereinafter referred to as  “IAEI“) processes your personal data within the meaning of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing directive 95/46EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and The Personal Data Processing Act 2019 (No. 110/2019 Coll.; hereinafter as “Czech DPA”).

IAEI is a state contributory organisation, established by the Ministry of Agriculture as of January 1, 1993 IAEI’s registered office is at Mánesova 1453/75, 120 00, Prague 2, ID No: 00027251, VAT ID No.: CZ 002272251.

If you want to contact IAEI with questions concerning the processing of your personal data, please take advantage of one of the following possibilities:

The data protection officer is Kateřina Tužilová.

  • IAEI will process the user’s personal data in order to register the users of  NutriDatabaze.cz and statistics. For this purpose, user’s identification data contained in the registration form at the website NutriDatabaze.cz will be processed to the extent necessary. In the event the applicant for registration to NutriDatabaze.cz does not agree with the provision of his/her data for this purpose, the registration to NutriDatabaze.cz is not possible.
  • IAEI carries out all the processing of personal data by itself and by its own means.
  • IAEI will pass user’s personal data to other entities only if they are trusted by a legal reason for accessing the data (bodies active in criminal proceedings, other control bodies with legal authorisation to access the information) or if it is necessary for the protection of his rights (the court).
  • The user grants IAEI consent to the proceeding of personal data for all data contained in the registration form, for a period of 10 years from the day of granting the consent.

Notice on the rights contained in sections 21 and 22 of the Czech DPA and in Art. 15-23 GDPR:

  • If a user asks IAEI for information concerning the processing of his/her personal data, IAEI shall provide him/her with such information without undue delay. The information shall always contain a notice of
  1. the purpose of the processing of personal data,
  2. personal data or, where appropriate, personal data categories that are the subject of processing, including all available information about their source,
  3. the nature of the automated processing in connection with its use for decisions making, if acts or decisions the content of which is interference with the right and the legitimate interests of the subject of data,
  4. recipients or, where appropriate, recipients’ categories.            
  • The user shall be also entitled:
  1. to access personal data,
  2. to require correction of personal data, to limit processing or to erasure of personal data  in accordance with the Czech DPA and GDPR,
  3. any time, to withdraw his/her consent with written notification delivered to IAEI – to the registered office address or by e-mail. The user, who assumes that his /her personal data are processed by IAEI in contradiction with legal regulations, shall be entitled to ask the IAEI for explanation. In addition, he/she can request IAEI to remove the unlawful situation, i.e. blocking, correcting, completing or disposal of personal data or to address an initiative or a complaint to the Office for the Protection of Personal Data.
  1. NutriDatabaze.cz is protected under Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright, on rights related to Copyright and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Copyright Act), as amended.
  2. The user of NutriDatabaze.cz acknowledges that the nutrition composition of food may be changed by a number of factors (primary production conditions, seasonal influences, the way of food processing etc.). Thus, the data need to be interpreted as indicative information on the food composition. The user also acknowledges that the number of monitored nutrients may differ in individual foods and that the values in individual nutrients may change when updating the data file.
  3. IAEI takes no responsibility for any problems arising from the use of Databaze.cz or links from external sites to NutriDatabaze.cz. IAEI also takes no responsibility for misunderstanding or an improper interpretation of information published at NutriDatabaze.cz. IAEI excludes all liability for any damage, direct or direct, regardless its nature resulting from the use or related anyway with using NutriDatabaze.cz. IAEI also excludes any liability for the damages which have occurred for the temporary failure to access the information at NutriDatabaze.cz.
  4. IAEI shall also not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, incurred due to using information obtained by means of NutriDatabaze.cz.
  5. The user of NutriDatabaze.cz is not entitled to assign a data file from NutriDatabaze.cz to a third party, in whole or in a part, against payment or free of charge.
  6. A user of NutriDatabaze.cz shall mention NutriDatabaze.cz as a data source with this reference: “Based on data from NutriDatabaze.cz, X.X version, IAEI, Prague“ and mention a line with click-through to IAEI http://www.nutridatabaze.cz/ always when the data file from Nutribaze.cz is made available to public.
  7. All legal relationships related to NutriDatabaze.cz shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic.