Centre for Food Composition Database | Czech Food Composition Database, Version 9.24

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Component list

Searching for foods containing the selected component/nutrient is possible. Values for all nutrients are not always available for all foods in the database. The list of components/nutrients considers the EuroFIR priority list. Information about content of component/nutrient in foods is available by clicking on the selected component/nutrient from the list. On request of the National Association of Patients with Phenylketonuria (PKU) and Similar Inherited Metabolic Disorders, the amino acid phenylalanine has been also included into the list.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

List of components

EuroFIR ID Component name Unit
ENERC Energy kJ
ENERC Energy kcal
CHO Carbohydrate, available g
SUGAR Sugars, total g
STARCH Starch g
FIBT Fibre, total dietary g
FAT Fat, total (total lipid) g
FASAT Fatty acids, saturated g
FAMS Fatty acids, monounsaturated g
FAPU Fatty acids, polyunsaturated g
CHORL Cholesterol mg
FACN3 n-3 fatty acids g
FACN6 n-6 fatty acids g
F18:2CN6 C 18:2, n-6 g
F18:3CN3 C 18:3, n-3 g
FATRN Fatty acids, trans- g
PROT Protein, total g
ALC Ethanol g
WATER Water g
VITA Vitamin A RE
CARTB beta-carotene μg
RETOL Retinol μg
RIBF Vitamin B2, riboflavin mg
THIA Vitamin B1, thiamin mg
VITB12 Vitamin B12 μg
PYRXN Vitamin B6 mg
VITC Vitamin C mg
VITD Vitamin D μg
VITE Vitamin E ATE
NIA Niacin mg
NIAEQ Niacin equivalents NE
FOL Folate, total μg
CA Calcium mg
K Potassium mg
MG Magnesium mg
NA Sodium mg
P Phosphorus mg
FE Iron mg
ID Iodine μg
ZN Zinc mg
SE Selenium μg
CU Copper mg