Component list
Searching for foods containing the selected component/nutrient is possible. Values for all nutrients are not always available for all foods in the database. The list of components/nutrients considers the EuroFIR priority list. Information about content of component/nutrient in foods is available by clicking on the selected component/nutrient from the list. On request of the National Association of Patients with Phenylketonuria (PKU) and Similar Inherited Metabolic Disorders, the amino acid phenylalanine has been also included into the list.
List of components
EuroFIR ID | Component name | Unit |
ENERC | Energy | kJ |
ENERC | Energy | kcal |
CHO | Carbohydrate, available | g |
SUGAR | Sugars, total | g |
STARCH | Starch | g |
FIBT | Fibre, total dietary | g |
FAT | Fat, total (total lipid) | g |
FASAT | Fatty acids, saturated | g |
FAMS | Fatty acids, monounsaturated | g |
FAPU | Fatty acids, polyunsaturated | g |
CHORL | Cholesterol | mg |
FACN3 | n-3 fatty acids | g |
FACN6 | n-6 fatty acids | g |
F18:2CN6 | C 18:2, n-6 | g |
F18:3CN3 | C 18:3, n-3 | g |
FATRN | Fatty acids, trans- | g |
PROT | Protein, total | g |
ALC | Ethanol | g |
WATER | Water | g |
VITA | Vitamin A | RE |
CARTB | beta-carotene | μg |
RETOL | Retinol | μg |
RIBF | Vitamin B2, riboflavin | mg |
THIA | Vitamin B1, thiamin | mg |
VITB12 | Vitamin B12 | μg |
PYRXN | Vitamin B6 | mg |
VITC | Vitamin C | mg |
VITD | Vitamin D | μg |
VITE | Vitamin E | ATE |
NIA | Niacin | mg |
NIAEQ | Niacin equivalents | NE |
FOL | Folate, total | μg |
CA | Calcium | mg |
K | Potassium | mg |
MG | Magnesium | mg |
NA | Sodium | mg |
P | Phosphorus | mg |
FE | Iron | mg |
ID | Iodine | μg |
ZN | Zinc | mg |
SE | Selenium | μg |
CU | Copper | mg |